Danita LaShelle Jones,  —

Danita currently calls Madison, Alabama, home. She and her husband raise four exceptional children, one of which lives with hereditary angioedema — Ladybug. As a caregiver, Danita hopes that her column will show other caregivers and patients that they’re not alone. Championing the idea to “inform the world,” she seeks to reveal HAE in such a way that even if it’s rare for an individual to have it, it isn’t rare for everyone to know about it.

Articles by Danita LaShelle Jones

The Importance of Finding Space for Your Passions

“He feels betrayed,” I said to my student as she sat in her chair. “So there are different emotions your character has to have once she realizes he’s poisoned her.” My actress nodded in agreement and repositioned herself to start the scene over. It was Shakespeare Tuesday in the theater…