
Let’s Give Them Legends to Talk About

As a writer, I can’t help but get excited about a good legend. No, not the campfire kind that seeks to terrify children as they stare off into the night. I’m talking about the stories that start as true but become legends when retold, as additional elements make them more…

Why Complicate Things When There’s a Simple Explanation?

If you’re ever having a conversation with a film enthusiast, eventually, they will mention the brilliance behind Steven Spielberg’s “Jaws.” In “Jaws,” the fictional town of Amity Island faces growing tragedy when an oversized great white shark starts terrorizing beachgoers. After an incompetent mayor refuses to close the…

How Endless Circles Can Lead to Frustration

“It’s how much?” I asked the salesperson in disbelief. “Six hundred and seventy-three dollars,” he repeated, as if it didn’t sound ridiculous. I was baffled. During the summer before my final year of college, I attempted to go “full adult” and buy my first cellphone. The problem, however, was that…