
HAE Patients Found to Be at Higher Risk of Developing Other Diseases

Patients with hereditary angioedema (HAE) are more likely to develop comorbidities, or co-existing conditions, such as cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases than the general population, a Swedish database study reports. The findings highlight the need for awareness and prevention of these conditions in patients with HAE, according to researchers. The…

Guidelines Needed for Stopping Attenuated Androgens: Study

Strategies to manage discontinuing attenuated androgens — male hormones frequently used as a preventive treatment for hereditary angioedema (HAE) — can be very diverse, and the most common withdrawal challenge is an increase in HAE attacks, a recent case series reported. Its authors, some of which are leading European…

Increased Education Crucial to Improving Rare Disease Care, Survey Finds

Healthcare providers involved in diagnosing and treating rare diseases believe that increased physician education and collaboration with specialized facilities will have the greatest positive impact on treating these conditions over the next five years, according to results from a 2021 survey. Definitive Healthcare, a healthcare commercial intelligence company, conducted…

Haldol Triggers Tongue Swelling in Boy, Case Study Reports

A 14-year-old boy developed angioedema of the tongue thought to be triggered by Haldol (haloperidol), an antipsychotic medication used to treat schizophrenia and other mental or mood disorders, a case report found. “Clinicians should be aware of potential dangerous adverse effects of commonly used medications. Patients with angioedema may…